Veteran Health Services
DVA provides a wide range of health services for eligible veterans, war widows/widowers, and dependants, where clinically required. Services below are eligible for Gold and White Cardholders only.
Here is an A-to-Z guide on all health services available:
- Allied health treatment cycle - where GPs refer you to allied services you can receive 12 sessions of treatment valid up to a year per cycle/year.
- You can have a separate treatment cycle for each allied health service you require. This includes having treatment cycles for different allied health services at the same time. For example, you may have services provided by a dietitian, podiatrist, and physiotherapist at the same time.

- Assistive listening devices - work in combination with hearing aids and are designed to help you hear better in specific situations, such as using the telephone, watching television or in social situations. To be eligible for ALDs you must have a Gold Card or a White Card with hearing loss or tinnitus.
Devices include:
- induction loops - a cable that picks up and transmits sound to your hearing aid, providing hearing support in a specific area
- headsets for watching the television
- microphone/FM listening systems
- doorbells and smoke alarms with lights
- telephone accessories
- streamers that transmit sound from a mobile phone, tablet or television to a hearing aid.
- Chiropractic services - to manage conditions of the spine and musculoskeletal system.
- Dental services - cover the costs of your dental care from dental providers that we approve. This includes check-ups, repairs, dentures, and teeth implants. Limits apply for some dental services that are higher cost.
- Dietetic services - dietitians can help you improve your health with diet and lifestyle planning
- Exercise physiology services (EP) services help through, the delivery of clinical exercise to manage chronic disease and post-hospital exercise rehabilitation for treatment of a major injury or illness.
EP services contribute to the management of
- diabetes
- cardiovascular disease
- osteoporosis
- arthritis
- cancer
- chronic muscular conditions
- hearing services - get treatment for hearing loss and tinnitus
- Mental Health Care - DVA provide free mental health care for veterans and counselling and support for families. They also offer resources to help you monitor and manage your wellbeing.
*even if you don’t have a veteran gold
- Occupational therapy - include mental health treatment, mental and mobility exercises, home or workplace modifications
- Optical services - including visual aids such as glasses or other devices
- Orthotic services - can help you access external devices called orthoses to:
- support or align the body
- reduce pain
- enhance mobility and function
Such as:
- Foot Orthoses: for various foot, leg or postural problems
- Ankle Orthoses and Knee Orthoses: for joint protection, pain reduction or support after surgery
- Ankle-Foot Orthoses and Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthoses: to improve mobility, support rehabilitation and biomechanical goals
- Upper limb Orthoses: to provide positional and functional support to the upper limb
- Spinal Orthoses: to correct or control spinal deformities and injuries and to provide immobilisation or support to spinal injuries
- Osteopathic services - treatments provided by an osteopath to help muscle and joint function and reduce pain.
- Physiotherapy services - treatments that aim to reduce pain and stiffness, increase mobility and prevent further injury
Such as
- exercise programs to improve movement and control
- airway clearance techniques that help to decrease lung infections and improve lung function
- soft tissue massage to improve range of motion, joint flexibility and relieve pain
- dry needling that can provide pain relief and restore movement
- water therapy conducted in a heated pool
- aids and appliances
- Podiatry services - services provide assessment, diagnosis and treatment of injuries and conditions that affect lower limbs.
Your treatment plan may include:
- cutting or removal of corns or calluses
- trimming, cutting, or clipping of nails
- cleaning and soaking the feet
- physical therapy
Your podiatrist may also arrange aids or modifications which may include:
- orthotics
- footwear modifications
- medical grade footwear
- Speech pathology services - services that can help you improve your speaking, language, and swallowing skills.
Your treatment plan may include exercises and techniques to help you:
- speak clearly
- communicate more easily
- work through any issues with swallowing
- overcome a stutter or lisp
Health Services not covered
- Acupuncture and acupressure
- Aromatherapy
- Equine therapy
- Homeopathy
- Hypnotherapy and hypnosis
- Iridology
- Massage or therapeutic touch
- Meditation, yoga
- Music therapy
- Reflexology and relaxation therapy